by Natufarma |



What does it mean to have healthy skin?

It is the state in which the skin adequately fulfills its functions as a barrier organ, immune defense, vitamin D activator, melanin producer, temperature regulator and excretory, sensitive and aesthetic organ.

The skin as a melanin producer
Melanin is the natural pigment responsible for skin color. A group of cells called melanocytes are the producers of these pigments, which are located at the base of the epidermis. When the sun's UV rays reach the skin, melanin rises to the top layer of the epidermis in order to absorb the UV rays and produce the coloration we know as tanning. Therefore, the two main functions of melanin are to provide protection against the sun's rays and to give the skin different colors.
How to contribute to melanin production
We can promote melanin production by consuming vitamin A or foods rich in carotenes, such as carrots, pumpkin, melon, spinach, etc.
Why is it good to incorporate lycopene in the diet?  Because lycopene acts as an antioxidant by synergizing the properties of carotenes. Therefore, both contribute to maintaining healthy skin, avoiding erythema (redness), and the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, thus preventing the formation of wrinkles, photoaging and accelerating the achievement of a natural tan.


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